Avi Dessauer :: FunctionalSystemsProgrammer
avidessauer@gmail.com, github profile
- Platonic Systems full stack Haskell contractor on a Haskell, Nix, Postgres web app.
- A Tweag Summer 2020 Open Source Fellow
- Frequent open source contributor
- General knowledge of computer science developed over more than half a decade,
of daily self driven education.
- Collaborator on haskell-language-server/haskell-IDE-engine/ project, Haskell’s only LSP server.
- Author of implicit-hie, used by HLS and Ghcide to remove the need for
files. - Contributions to dozens of other open source Haskell projects.
- Follow GHC proposals & ecosystem developments.
- Tweag Fellowship: authored Sundial-GC, a FP focused typed concurrent copying GC.
- Contributed to the Rust compiler (stability annotations on generic parameters)
- Years of experience writing Rust, and following RFCs & ecosystem.
JavaScript/Typescript: Improved Node.js readline Unicode handling,
- Contributions to Coc.nvim the most popular (Neo)Vim LSP Client,
- Some frontend web development, mostly backend Nodejs
SQL: Platonic Systems: Worked on a Haskell PostgreSQL full stack web app.
- Started learning on Ubuntu 12.04,
- 6 years daily driving Arch Linux
- Newly minted NixOS user
Bash: Significant scripting experience
Python 2/3: Minimal experience, patching programs, and scripting.
Swift: pre 3.0, no longer applicable
Competence with all the basics:
Big O, HTML, CSS, Web protocols, Vimscript, debuging, assembly, etc..
Significant theoretical/implementation & practical working knowledge of:
- Concurrency / Parallelism design approaches:
- Distributed Systems & Databases: consensus protocols, ACID,
and the trade-offs of alternative consistency guaranties - High Level: coroutines, Green threads, actors
- Low level: Unix threads, C11 atomics, various locks, lock freedom
- Distributed Systems & Databases: consensus protocols, ACID,
- Tracing & concurrent garbage collector development.